Silver Nuggets: Which is More Likely Series: Cameron vs Murray

Yesterday, the WIML series took the plunge into the big bad "rest of the league" abyss, asking you beautiful readers about two teams at opposite ends of the spectrum. By a very healthy margin, the community has decided it is much more likely that Columbus finishes last in the West than it is that the Rangers finish first in the East. New (?) user charliec_124 easily summarized it the best:

Voted CBJ

Tough choice. There really will be no debate regarding these two teams this year.

- CBJ will be awful – No star forwards, a mishmash defense, and shaky-at-best goaltending

- NYR will be very good – arguably the best top 6, best D, and best goalie in the league

I based my decision on OTHER teams that will be competing with these two.

- CBJ finished last in the Western conference. The next three lowest teams (EDM, ANH, MIN) all should be better this year (well, maybe not ANH), while CBJ should be worse. Also, they are in the powerhouse Central division, and all four of their divisional rivals
are playoff quality.

- NYR finished first last year, and got better, but you’ve got to think that the Pens will be right up there with them, as will the peaking Flyers, and a Bruins team that is one year removed from winning it all.

So, while I think NYR will be in the running for first in the East, it is much more likely that CBJ will finish last in the West.

There you have it.

As a disclaimer for the WIML today I would like to say a couple of things. Firstly, I think that Paul MacLean is a great coach and I would love to see him in Ottawa for a long time to come. Second, I want to say that I am and have always been a huge Bryan Murray fan. Lastly, I would like to say that the purpose of this series is which is MORE likely, even when both options are not particularly likely.

Without any more rambling from me, here is today's question, once more focused on the Ottawa Senators, this time in the Hockey Ops department:

Which is more likely? That Dave Cameron becomes the Ottawa's next coach OR that Tim Murray becomes the team's next general manager?

Cameron: Coaches are hired to be fired as the saying goes, and even coaches who have success don't coach forever (except for Brian Kilrea). There was much talk when Ottawa was looking for a new coach last summer that Cameron might be the man, considering how close he was to owner Eugene Melnyk. If the time comes that a new coach is needed, may we see him promoted?

Murray: Keeping it in the family? Tim has increasingly become more and more involved with the signing, recruiting and scouting of players for the Ottawa Senators, and it is clear that Bryan trusts him. He certainly has a future as a GM somewhere, but will in be in Ottawa?

There you have it, flex your thinking muscles and let us know which of these you think is more likely.

Links after the jump.

Sens Links:

  • Ten questions that help you get to know new Senator Marc Methot. He has a bit of a man crush on Ryan Lochte. [Sens]
  • Go with the guys at WTYKY a happy second birthday! [WTYKY]
  • Mika Zibanejad scored twice in the first ten minutes as Sweden thumped the Czechs in a WJC camp game. [SteffeG]
  • Nichols is at it again, transcribing this interview with the Euge. [6thSens]

League News:

  • Flyers extend Peter Laviolette. [CBC]
  • Shane Doan is doing a North American tour, stopping all over the place meeting teams. [PD]
  • 30 teams in 30 days looks at the upcoming season for the Montreal Canadians. Should be interesting so see how/if they bounce back. [NHL]
  • My favourite link today, Manny Malholtra and the Vancouver Canucks are lending their support and attending the Vancouver Pride Parade. [You Can Play]

Which is More Likely?

Dave Cameron becomes next head coach of Senators28
Tim Murray becomes next GM of Senators300

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