A Thank You Letter to Sens Fans: The Chronicles of Mullet

<strong>I couldn&#39;t be more proud to announce that the pledges to Sens Money on the Board have eclipsed $10,000</strong>. This post is here to offer a huge, heartfelt thanks to everyone who has helped out in any way.

I'll be keeping a live blog of my many adventures throughout the day at bonksmullet.com, so be sure to check that out.
Somebody pinch me.
My life has made anything but sense in the last few months. I thought moving to Philadelphia would loosen my ties to Ottawa, but as it turns out, it's done anything but that. About six weeks ago, I started writing for silversevensens.com. My first article was featured on Sportsnet's website. The crew at S7 told me I'd never be able to follow that up. I had to agree with them.

But then, less than two months ago, I decided to take off my pants. The media storm created by #Rihannaing (as indicated by a Google search) was completely unexpected. I was even fortunate enough to be featured by Jay Onrait and Dan O'Toole on Sportscentre. Little did I know it was only getting started.

Visual approximation of what happens in my apartment every third period. (Thanks Omar)

Two weeks later, I was inspired by Columbus Blue Jackets fans to start the Sens Money on the Board Campaign. I've already pitched it to death, but please check it out if you've been living under a rock. I'm extremely proud to announce that the pledge total has reached $10,000! What started as a fun initiative has turned into something that will make a huge difference to kids in the Ottawa area. They send their thanks.

The Ottawa Citizen's Zev Singer just wrote up this article on my efforts, which is a follow-up to this article by Teresa Smith. I'll also be on CBC and CTV news' broadcasts tonight before game time to talk about the drive. I can't even begin to express how grateful I am for everyone's support, but I'll try.

Huge thanks to:

  • I was going to save this for last, but I would hate for people to stop reading before I got to them. All of the success of Sens Money on the Board can be attributed to anyone who has ever taken the time to make a pledge, share a tweet, or make a donation. Huge thanks to every single one of you who has pledged a donation. Extra special thanks goes to Chad Ror and Dew who have been extremely generous with their donations.
  • The Sens Foundation: Thank you to Brad Weir, Nicole Bahen, Danielle Robinson, and everyone at their fantastic organization. They're flying me in from Philly to see game 4 in Ottawa, which is an unexpected, but not unappreciated gesture. They have put a lot of work into this campaign despite having no official association with it; they deserve a large part of the credit. They've also been kind enough to give my sister (Lauren) a ticket as well as it happens to be her 21st birthday. (Everyone wish her a happy birthday!)
  • Silver Seven Sens: These guys are the best Sens community on the Internet. Peter and the gang have been kind enough to let me take part in that, and I could not be more grateful. They gave me a platform and I hope to return the favour somehow in the future.
  • Canada's Flag King: This die hard Sens fan has been unbelievably dedicated to the cause. The Flag King has donated 4 flags, a $30 prize pack, and $1 from the sale of every Sens heritage car flag he sells. His donations, both monetary and flagetary, have amounted to over $400 in value. Next time you need a flag, please reward him with your business.
  • Kevin Lee (aka @SensForLife11) for his prize donations and agreeing to move his blogging services over to BonksMullet.com. He and Chet Sellers have already made incredible contributions to the site in the first week of its existence. (It's also his birthday, wish him a happy one)
  • the613.com: These guys are a great local initiative to get some fun Ottawa-inspired t-shirts out to the city. They've donated 4 shirts as prizes and $1 from the online sale of all of their "Boys of Winter" t-shirts. I'll definitely be buying one.
  • The Standard Tavern: This local restaurant took generosity to another level by pledging $100 per Sens win in the first round. Their donations currently total over $450. Please check out their location on Elgin Street to thank them appropriately!
  • J&L Ink: They've had a hectic week, but they've still taken the time to donate to the cause. They've made a donation of $150 and should be thanked accordingly as well.
  • My family and friends: Because you loved me before I was a talking hairpiece. Congrats to my best friend Phil on his engagement!
  • Every Sens fan that has ever existed: You guys have enriched my life in an unbelievable way. Being attached to such a strong community that can be felt over 600 km away is nothing to be ignored. Just check out this map of people who have visited bonksmullet.com this week. I've had visitors from over 38 countries. That's the reach of Sens Army:
  • Bloggers SensChirp, SensNation, Travis Yost, steffeG, 6thSens, Brochenski, etc. who both gave me a voice and inspired me to start tweeting about the Sens. You guys make being a Sens fan that much more fun.
  • Thanks to those of you who will correct every one of my typos in this post.
  • This Spezza gif:
I'm sure I missed most of the people I should have thanked, but I'll thank you later. Stop by section 104 row K at the game and say hi!

Be sure to check in on my live blog during the day! I'll do my best to keep it updated.

This is the last time I will ever be so gushingly nice and unsarcastic,
Eric Doty (aka Radek Bonk's Mullet)

PS. I say GIF not JIF and I'm sticking to that.

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