If you're like me, Ottawa Senators games are an exciting time. You sit around all day, imagining how amazing it's going to be when Erik Karlsson fires a blast that goes through Dion Phaneuf's guts on the way to the back of the net. Block another shot, Dion! And the more you imagine things, the more crazy it makes you feel inside until you just want to jump kick a guy off the ledge of some subway station. Or maybe you want to jump kick him off his motorcycle and watch it explode. I don't know, but there's going to be jump kicking involved.

Frankly, there's only one thing you can do in a situation like that: PUMP UP. When the electricity starts to wash over you, the only choice is simply to give in and feed it. But beware, there's a difference between getting psyched and pumping up.

It's important that you know which is which.

It's like this:

Are you starting to get it? This is important. This means something.

Guys, it's the middle of August. There's no Sens news out there. There's a potential lockout on the horizon. We're about as far away from hockey as we're going to get. Go ahead and write it: this is the friggin' hockey equinox. So it's time to hand the reins over to you. This is your chance to nominate a pump up song for next season (whenever that winds up being).

But there are rules.

First - You must include a link to your nomination. Pretty much every song is on YouTube these days, so that shouldn't be hard. I am going to be listening to every song nominated all the way through, no matter how unpumped they make me. If you make me work for it it, even a little, I'm not considering it.

Second - Just because you nominated a song doesn't mean it's going to get picked. You must earn it. And I will be the sole judge of who earns it and who does not.

Third - You may make as many nominations as you like.But beware: If you make me listen to an hour of crap, my inclination to choose one of your nominations will be affected accordingly.

Fourth - There are prizes involved. That's right. If your nominated song is chosen to pump us up during next season, you're gonna get something cool. Currently, only I know what these prizes are, but if you know how to pump up, that could change. Be prepared to provide a mailing address. And if you don't think I give awesome prizes, ask user BorisB.
If you've been lurking, now is the time to open your mouth and say something in an electronic way that doesn't actually involve speech. If you're new here, or feeling unsure about what good pump is, I strongly recommend you check out our past Game Day Threads' comments sections. These are your best resource for success.

Let's hear what you got.

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