The Chet Sellers and Luke Peristy Podcast - Episode 19

As the Senators' push for the playoffs comes down to the wire, Chet and Luke try to keep calm and Condra on!


If you listen to our podcast regularly, you know that it's a podcast of ideas. Ideas like, "What if Erik Condra's hands were made of magnets? What if Curtis Lazar developed superpowers from eating tainted meat? And which single player should be held responsible if the Senators miss the playoffs?"

And that's not all! With only a week to go in the season, we ask whether there's enough time left for the Senators to complete their miracle run, celebrate Mark Stone and the team's third line, and wonder if the Senators are being too superstitious - all that plus Leafs smack talk! Oh, and Andrew Hammond!

You can't afford NOT to listen to think one, folks, and if you like what you hear, don't forget to check out the archives and subscribe via iTunes or RSS!

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