Silver Nuggets: Spezza returns; Lehner likes Ottawa fans more than Binghamton

The Ottawa Senators were 16-17-4 on the morning of December 27 and on a 4-1-2 roll and five points behind the Montreal Canadiens for a playoff spot. Then Kris Letang hit Jason Spezza from behind, Spezza was injured and the Senators proceeded to get one win and six points in their next fifteen games. If the Senators had gotten even a point a game in the last fifteen, they would be six points behind the Atlanta Thrashers for the final playoff spot, with two games in hand.

Jason Spezza returns to action tomorrow night against the New York Islanders. While it is far too late for Spezza to save the season, I for one will be happy to welcome him back so the Senators can at least win once in a while.

Here are today's links:

General Sens News

  • Robin Lehner appreciates the Ottawa fans supporting him by booing Cory Clouston's decision to pull him. He compares this with the fans in Binghamton booing Lehner. For shame Binghamton, for shame! (Sun)
  • As mentioned above, Jason Spezza returns tomorrow night. Hee Hee! (Sun)
  • Mike Fisher chose not to submit a list of ten teams he would not like to be traded to. This means he can be traded to any club in the NHL. (Sun)
  • A look at how important Jason Spezza is to our team. (Citizen)
  • Alex Kovalev does not like Cory Clouston. (Sens Extra)
  • A Binghamton look at Robin Lehner. The comments at the bottom by the Binghamton fans make me laugh. (

More hockey links after the jump.

General Hockey News

  • Ryan Lambert comments on the mediocrity in the middle of the Western Conference. In my opinion, this season the West has two cup contenders (Detroit and Vancouver) while the East has four in Boston, Washington, Pittsburgh (-cringe-) and Philadelphia. (Yahoo!)
  • A Ray Emery update. He says he took his position in Ottawa for granted. (Sens Extra)

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