Silver Nuggets: Senators lose; The Earth's Sun rose this morning; Pierre McGuire as GM; Lying Ottawans

The Ottawa Senators lost 3-2 in overtime to the Buffalo Sabres last night. It was the Senators sixth straight loss, twelfth in thirteen games, seventh in a row at home, eight in a row in overtime and thirty third in a row in games in which they have been outscored. On the positive side, they gained a point each on the Islanders and Maple Leafs and now sit five points clear of the Islanders and only one behind the hated Leafs.

Twelfth place: Dare to dream!

Here are our link for today:

Last game

More Sens and hockey news after the jump.

General Sens News

  • The Senators are so bad, they are garnering US media attention. This has not happened since the Dany Heatley saga. Here is a case for having Pierre McGuire as our next general manager. (Yahoo!)
  • A great look at how the last year's Senators ability to win a lot of close games, while also getting blown out repeatedly, should have predicted this year's cluster!@#$. (The 6th Sens)
  • The people of Ottawa are liars! Here is a screen capture to prove it. (Sens Town)
  • For those of you wondering what to do until the Blue Jays begin their quest for fourth place, here are five reasons to continue to watch the Senators. (Sens Extra)
  • Daniel Alfredsson is sad. As loyal Sens fans, if Alfredsson is sad, we must cheer him up! I hereby recommend an "Alfie! Alfie! Alfie!" chant at the start of the next game. Seeing as it is against Detroit, it will be the only thing to get happy about. (Citizen)

General Hockey News

  • The NHL's current (until Alexander Ovechkin turns 38) all time leading goalscorer, Wayne Gretzky turns 50 today. (Yahoo!)
  • The bookmakers predict a Vancouver/Pittsburgh final. I for one would rather even take the boorish Habs winning the Stanley Cup than the Penguins. I don't like the Penguins. (Yahoo!)
  • Evgeni Nabokov is suspended. (Yahoo!)
  • Former Senator, Martin Havlat has been named to the NHL All-Star game as an injury replacement. Well earned I think! (Yahoo!)

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