Silver Nuggets: Lidstrom Changes the Game

In his retirement press conference the other day, Nicklas Lidstrom did what he has been doing for his whole career; he changed the game again. Sure, he redefined his position by being the most intimidating defenseman to never throw a big hit. Sure, he became the first European Captain to lead his team to a Stanley Cup win, and the first to win a Conn Smythe trophy as playoff MVP. Heck he just won the Norris Trophy as a 41 year old last year.

Yet even as he left the game, he changed it again.

''Retiring today allows me to walk away with pride, rather than have the game walk away from me,'' said Lidstrom

Well damn. Who says something so perfect? As a Senators fan, one has to hope that fellow Swedish superstar Daniel Alfredsson does not hear those words and take the advice in them.

So the question today is simple (in homage to Lidstrom himself): Will the way Nick left the NHL have an impact on Alfie's decision?

Senators Links

  • The always amazing Mark Parisi looks at the pipe dream of 30 teams: getting both Ryan Suter and Zach Parise to sign here in the offseason. No word on whether Mark wants Zach on the Sens just so he can tell people who cannot spell that they are related. [SSS}
  • A potentially more likely scenario is envisioned by Nichols at the 6th Sens who would very much like to take Tobias Enstrom off of Winnipeg's hands. If he's available, I think its an excellent idea. Enstrom teeing up Karlsson on the power play makes me feel warm and fuzzy. [6thSens]
  • Expert draft scout/analyst Don Brennan tells you how the 1994 draft should have gone down. Spoiler: Daniel Alfredsson goes first overall! (This is how slow news is in the summer guys). [Sun]
  • Two big decisions for the organization are on the blue line in the form of two veterans who had bounce back seasons and were really really integral to the team making the playoffs. The Sens need to decide what the plan is for Sergei Gonchar and Filip Kuba. [Warren]

League News

  • Confirming weird rumour from the other day, Tim Thomas has confirmed he is stepping away from the game for a while. Have to wonder with Tuuka Rask coming in and taking over, and Thomas being 38, if this is the end of the road for Tim. Fun note: true to form, he announced the decision on Facebook. [Sun]
  • Another strange goalie story, the Pittsburgh Penguins have traded for the rights to Thomas Vokoun and subsequently signed him to a 2 year extension, at 2 million per season-- pricey for a back up. I guess after the struggles of Marc-Andre Fleury in the finals, they wanted a back up they could count on. [NHL]
  • With game three set for tonight, Wyshynski takes a look at why US fans aren't watching the Stanley Cup Finals like they have in recent years and stipulates that perhaps it is because of a lack of star power. For my money, Zach Parise is the best American born player right now, and Ilya Kovalchuk is no slouch. Brodeur, Kopitar, Richards, Carter, Quick. Good players on both sides. [PuckDaddy]
  • The always polarizing Lambert with his What We Learned. [PuckDaddy]

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