Ottawa Senators Connections 2

Time to put your Sens knowledge (or lack thereof) to the test!

Ottawa Senators Connections 2
Photo by Richard Bell / Unsplash

After the success of last week's edition, Sens Connections is back for another week. You can find this week's puzzle here.

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Create custom puzzles based on the Connections New York Times daily game

If you're unfamiliar with the New York Times Connections format, you can find some detailed instructions here. Basically, there are 16 options that get sorted into 4 categories, with 4 in each category. If you think you know a set of four, you click on each of them and press Submit. It will tell you whether or not you're right right; if you are, then you know those four are not in another category and they are removed from the grid. What makes it tricky is there can be some options that fit into more than one category. What makes this even tougher is that all 16 names have been Sens players, so the obvious connection applies to all of them.

The website doesn't allow for embedding, but here's what this week's puzzle looks like:

Happy puzzling!

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