Guy Boucher Named Senators Head Coach

The Ottawa Senators have hired former Tampa Bay Lightning head coach Guy Boucher as Dave Cameron's successor.

Less than 24 hours after the Senators lost out on the Bruce Boudreau sweepstakes, they made the final decision in their hunt for a new head coach.

Just after 1 p.m. today, Ottawa announced the signing of former Tampa Bay Lightning head coach Guy Boucher.

Boucher, a 44-year-old native of Notre-Dame-du-Lac, Quebec, coached the Lightning to the Eastern Conference Finals in 2011 in his first year with the club. Two years later, he was fired after failing to rebound early in the 2012-13 season after the team had missed out on the playoffs in 2012.

Boucher brings with him NHL coaching experience, and that's exactly what Ottawa was looking for.

And whether or not you believe him, Senators owner Eugene Melnyk claims Boucher was their first choice.

Boucher's deal in Ottawa is three years.

Regardless of the Senators missing out on Bruce Boudreau, are you happy with Guy Boucher as head coach?

I'm not sure what to think420
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