Daniel Alfredsson Rejoins the Senators Staff

The legend is officially back with the team

Daniel Alfredsson Rejoins the Senators Staff
Photo by David Monje / Unsplash

When the Sens started practice this morning, news quickly spread about an extra addition on the ice - Daniel Alfresson. The Hall-of-Famer was there as the emergency call up 12th forward working with the players.

President of Hockey Ops Steve Staios confirmed that Alfie was officially back with the team. There's no official title for him just yet and the role is still being dialed in, but the position is starting somewhere between player development and coaching.

I got a taste of it a little bit last year, just helping out with injured guys and being around the team a little bit. It's going to more of that this year, I'll be around more. Obviously I'm super excited and hoping I can help out and contribute to the team.

Staios had reached out to Alfie, essentially letting the former Captain to define his own role. Alfie chose to be "boots on the ground" working with the players and "help them along with their journey". He's not sure if he will travel with the team (or how much if he does), but will be there when the team is in Ottawa.

When asked if he saw any parallels between this team and the 1997-98 team, Alfie noted that they were in a similar position but also highlighted a key difference - he joined a team that was solid defensively but needed to improve the offence, while this team is the opposite. He feels that is something he can help with going forward - attention to detail both with and without the puck.

You can listen to his post-practice media scrum, courtesy of TSN1200.

No word on if he got any of the players to try to play keep-away at the end of practice.

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